Implement Bracket matching using stack.
The checkBalance function uses a stack-based approach to check if an expression containing parentheses, curly braces, and square brackets is balanced, returning True if it is and False otherwise.
def checkBalance(expr):
stack = []
for char in expr:
if char in ["(", "{", "["]:
if not stack:
return False
currChar = stack.pop()
if currChar == "(":
if char != ")":
return False
if currChar == "{":
if char != "}":
return False
if currChar == "[":
if char != "]":
return False
if stack:
return False
return True
expr = "{{[()]}}"
if checkBalance(expr):
print("The given string is balanced")
print("The given string is not balanced")
Explanation of above code
checkBalance Function
- The checkBalance function checks if a given expression expr containing parentheses, curly braces, and square brackets is balanced. It uses a stack to keep track of opening symbols and ensures that the closing symbols match the corresponding opening symbols.
Stack Initialization
- The stack is initialized as an empty list.
Iterating Over Characters
- The function iterates over each character char in the expr string.
Opening Symbols
- If the character char is an opening symbol (i.e.,
, or[
), it is pushed onto the stack using the append method.
Closing Symbols
- If the character char is a closing symbol, the function performs the following checks:
- If the stack is empty (i.e., there are no corresponding opening symbols for the current closing symbol), it means the expression is unbalanced. In this case, the function returns False.
- If the stack is not empty, it pops the top character currChar from the stack using the pop method.
- It then checks if currChar matches the expected closing symbol for the current character char.
- If they don't match, it means the expression is unbalanced, and the function returns False.
Final Check
- After iterating through all the characters in the expression, the function performs a final check:
- If there are remaining opening symbols in the stack (i.e., the stack is not empty), it means the expression is unbalanced. In this case, the function returns False.
- If the stack is empty, it means all opening and closing symbols are properly balanced, and the function returns True.
Main Code
- In the main code, a string expr is defined, representing the expression to be checked for balanced parentheses, curly braces, and square brackets.
- The checkBalance function is called with expr as an argument.
- If the function returns True, it means the expression is balanced, and the message "The given string is balanced" is printed.
- If the function returns False, it means the expression is unbalanced, and the message "The given string is not balanced" is printed.
- This code allows you to check whether a given expression containing parentheses, curly braces, and square brackets is balanced or not using a stack-based approach. It ensures that opening and closing symbols are properly matched in the expression.