Implement Queue
The code implements queue operations using a list in Python, allowing users to add elements, remove elements, and display the current contents of the queue interactively.
# Queue
queue = []
def enqueue():
element = input("Enter the element: ")
print("Element is added to queue")
def dequeue():
if not queue:
print("Queue is empty")
e = queue.pop(0)
print("Element removed ", e)
def display():
while True:
print("Select the operation: 1. Add 2. Remove 3. Show 4. Quit")
choice = int(input())
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2:
elif choice == 3:
elif choice == 4:
print("Enter the correct operation")
Explanation of above code
- The provided code implements a queue data structure using a list in Python. It offers the following operations:
- enqueue(): This operation adds an element to the end of the queue. It prompts the user to enter an element, appends it to the queue list, and displays a message along with the updated queue.
- dequeue(): This operation removes an element from the front of the queue. If the queue is empty, it displays a message. Otherwise, it removes the element at index 0 from the queue list using pop(0), displays the removed element, and shows the updated queue.
- display(): This operation displays the current contents of the queue by printing the queue list.
Code Explanation
- The code initializes an empty list called queue to store the elements.
- The enqueue() function prompts the user to enter an element, appends it to the queue list, and displays a message along with the updated queue.
- The dequeue() function checks if the queue list is empty. If it is, it prints a message indicating that the queue is empty. Otherwise, it removes the element at index 0 using pop(0), stores it in the variable e, prints the removed element, and shows the updated queue.
- The display() function simply prints the queue list to display the current contents.
- The program enters an infinite loop using while True. It displays a menu to the user with the available operations: Add, Remove, Show, and Quit. It prompts the user to enter a choice (1-4). Based on the user's choice, it calls the corresponding operation function (enqueue(), dequeue(), display()), or exits the loop if the choice is 4 (Quit). If the choice is not valid, it displays a message indicating that the user should enter the correct operation.
- This code allows users to interactively perform queue operations and see the resulting changes in the queue.