📄️ A
This Python code generates a multiplication table for a user-specified number 'n.' It collects user input using the input function, then uses a for loop to calculate and display the product of 'n' with numbers from 1 to 10.
📄️ B
This Python code utilizes a while loop to print numbers from 1 to 10. It initializes a variable 'i' to 1 and uses the while loop with the condition 'i <= 10' to print each number, incrementing 'i' by 1 in each iteration until it reaches 10.
📄️ C
This Python code calculates the sum of the first 10 natural numbers using a 'while' loop. It initializes variables 'n' and 'sum,' then uses a 'while' loop to accumulate the sum, and finally displays the result to the user.