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Write a python program to perform Arithmetic operations by Input function


This Python code is a simple program that takes user input for two numbers, performs four basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), and displays the results with appropriate messages for each operation.

x=int(input("Enter number1"))
y=int(input("Enter number2"))
print("the sum is=",sum)
print("the sub is=",sub)
print("the multi is=",multi)
print("the division is=",division)

Explanation of above code

  • The Python code is a simple program designed to perform four basic arithmetic operations on two user-input numbers: x and y.
  • It begins by utilizing the input function to collect user input for the values of x and y.
  • These input values are subsequently converted into integers using the int function, ensuring they can be used for mathematical calculations.
  • The program then proceeds to calculate and display the results of the four basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • For each operation, the code provides a message indicating the specific operation being executed and the corresponding result.
  • The user is presented with the sum, subtraction, multiplication, and division of the input numbers, offering a clear and interactive way to perform these calculations.

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